Sunday, November 21, 2010

June Gardening: What to do in garden in early summer

Here are some of the main jobs of the month.

- In June Pests and diseases can be even more troublesome than in April or May. The aphids multiply more quickly and moulds or mildews spread very fast, so keep up the weekly spraying.
- Make sure that herbaceous plants are properly staked. Check ties on climbing roses or other plants growing on walls, fences, arches and pergolas. There may be heavy storms in July, and if plants are torn away from their supports, much time will be spent tying them up again.
- This is the worst month of the year as far as weed control is concerned. An odd hour spent loosening the soil with a hoe pays off handsomely.
- Watering in dry spells is as important now as in May. Plants transpire at a greater rate, and more moisture is lost from the soil by evaporation as the sun’s heat increases.


- Continue mowing, raising blades during very dry weather.
- Spike the lawn to allow water to penetrate.
- Apply fungicides for control of dollar spot and corticium. Treat with weedkillers if necessary.


- Trim escallonia hedges for a display of flowers in late summer.
- Continue weeding and hoeing hedge bottoms.

Patio and Container Garden

- Water containers at least once a day, if not top dressed with damp peat.
- Remove dead flowers and discard plants past their best.

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