Sunday, November 21, 2010

Flowers in season - GBBD August 2010

 It's really hot here again, and while some of us are just resting, others seem to be very busy... 

I was very happy to see this tiny arugula flowers - this means seeds are coming!

Wax begonia.

 Cucumber (cucumis sativus) flowers.

 Hydrangea paniculata Limelight. Not impressed with flowers this year. Why?

Lavandula - some are still in bloom, while others are neatly pruned for more flowers (on the right).

Moss rose (portulaca).

Self-seeded nasturtium. Why those I have sown this year are doing much worse? Do nasturtium seeds like winter frost?

Purple flowers of purple of purple beans 'Neckarkoningin'.

Rose Mary Rose.

Rose New dawn resurrected! Hit severly by frost last winter - seems to feel better.

Rose of sharon in bloom - and look who is sitting on the leaf below? Can you see the dragonfly?

Rudbeckia slightly consumed by garden creatures, but I don't mind :)

Hydrangea macrophylla.

If you would like to know what flowers were blooming in my garden two years ago in August 2009 - have a look here or August 2008 here.
This post contributes to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day kindly hosted by Carol at May Dreams Garden

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