Monday, November 22, 2010

Fertilizer Friday - Flaunt Those Flowers!

Begonias sitting on a stepping stone that my Grandson made for me. More Begonias in my old tool box planter. The Lobelia must be on steroids - it's almost got the Begonias covered up.
Wave Petunias
Wave Petunias
Would you believe my Bleeding Hearts are still blooming? They never do that. Are yours?
Ice Plant going wild now in an old breadbox
The Callas are starting to open
They are so pretty with a matching Hosta
Cardinal Song Columbine is blooming again but looks smaller and different than before.
This is the Columbine I was checking every day waiting to open when the deer wiped it out. It finally bloomed again but no pink bloom with it this time. It's also a lot smaller.
Another Columbine is re blooming. Strange because this one is in the hottest place of all my Columbines. I thought they liked more shade.
Jackmanii starting to bloom up a tree.
Garden Phlox
Asiatic Lily
Phyglius Cape Fuschia Funfare Wine

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